So what is JW Apothecary all about, anyway?

If we haven’t met before, my name is Jamie Wayne Schmotzer (that’s where the JW comes from!), and I’m an outdoor enthusiast, camper, bushcrafter…and an herbalist. I help people like you learn the basics of herbalism so that you can get started setting up your own home apothecary using basic methods and supplies so that you can save money and take more responsibility for your own health and wellness.

As this website grows, you’ll see recipes, tips, tricks, and more about how to get started with your own home apothecary. I’ll point you in the right direction about what books you might want to buy or check out of your local library, and I’ll have links to products that I use when making and storing herbal preparations.

There’s a lot of information on the internet about herbalism, as many of you already know, and I’d like to be a place where you can go to get reliable information because, quite frankly, even though there’s a sea of information on the internet, it’s often difficult to sort it all out and find GOOD information.

I want this website to be a place where a lot of information is simplified and things are made easy, so if that interests you, please subscribe to my e-mail list, where I’ll notify you of new blog posts and send periodic tips and tricks.

Jamie Wayne Schmotzer